.. _setup_xm122: Setting up your XM122 ===================== For detailed instructions, visit our `developer page `_. .. include:: find_serial_port.rst .. include:: windows_com_port_drivers.rst - XM122: `FTDI `_ Flashing -------- Download the module software from our `developer page `_. In the archive, ``acconeer_xm122_module_software_v*.zip``, you'll find ``acc_module_server_dfu_package.zip``, which is the package to flash. We recommend flashing using the Python library `nrfutil `_. Install it with:: python -m pip install nrfutil Enter the XM122 bootloader by doing the following: - Hold down the DFU button - Push the RESET button - Release the RESET button - Let go of the DFU button Now you should be able to flash:: nrfutil dfu serial -pkg acc_module_server_dfu_package.zip -p /dev/ttyUSB0 After flashing, press the RESET button to reboot into the flashed software.