File format reference - A121 ============================ This page explains the format of A121 data files saved from Exploration Tool using the application or :ref:`recorders in the API `. A121 records are currently only stored in HDF5 (``.h5``). .. tip:: We recommend loading and saving records using the :ref:`built in functions ` in the ``acconeer.exptool.a121`` module. See `examples/a121/ `__ for an example of loading data, and `examples/a121/record_data/ `__ for saving data. For an example of how to load HDF5 records in Matlab, see `examples/a121/load_record_h5.m `__. Examples of loading ------------------- Some minimal examples of loading the session config from a data file: Using :func:`acconeer.exptool.a121.load_record` (recommended): .. code-block:: python from acconeer.exptool import a121 record = a121.load_record("data.h5") print(record.session_config) # SessionConfig: # extended ............... False # ... Using ``h5py``: .. code-block:: python import json import h5py with h5py.File("data.h5") as f: print(json.loads(f["session/session_config"][()])) # {'groups': [{'1': {'sweep_rate': None, # 'frame_rate': None, # ... HDF5 structure -------------- ``client_info`` JSON string representation of :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.ClientInfo`. ``generation`` String containing the *sensor generation*, i.e., "a121". ``lib_version`` String containing the Exploration Tool version used to record. ``server_info`` JSON string representation of :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.ServerInfo`. ``session`` A *soft link* to ``sessions/session_0``. Used for backwards-compatibility. ``sessions/session_X`` HDF5 group containing all data related to the recorded session. *X* is an integer starting from 0. ``group_Y/entry_Z/`` HDF5 group for entry *Z* in configuration group *Y*. *Y* and *Z* are integers starting from 0. ``result/`` HDF5 group with a dataset for every field in the :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Result`. Results are "stacked" into :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.StackedResults` to form the datasets. For example, the boolean scalar (single value) :attr:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Result.data_saturated` becomes a 1D boolean array. In a :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Record`, these can be accessed via :attr:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Record.stacked_results`. ``frame`` 3D array with dimensions (frame, sweep, distance) of the **original** complex data from the session. The data type is a structured type with fields ``real`` and ``imag``, both 16 bit signed integers (``int16``). .. note:: Not the same type as :attr:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Result.frame`. ``data_saturated`` 1D boolean array with dimension (frame) of the :attr:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Result.data_saturated` flags. ``...`` See fields in :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Result`. ``metadata`` JSON string representation of :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.Metadata`. ``sensor_id`` Integer representing the sensor ID. .. note:: Within a group, the sensor ID is unique for every entry. ``session_config`` JSON string representation of :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.SessionConfig`. ``timestamp`` String containing an ISO 8601 formatted timestamp at the time of creating the :class:`~acconeer.exptool.a121.H5Recorder`. ``uuid`` String containing a randomly generated `version 4 UUID `__.