Differences between A121 and A111 ================================= If you're new to Acconeer products and haven't used the A111 before, skip this section. Here are some of the main differences, additions, and highlights coming from A111: - The four services available for the A111 -- *power bins*, *envelope*, *IQ*, and *sparse* -- are all superseded by the *sparse IQ* service. This new service combines the individual strengths of all A111 services into one, without any sacrifices or compromises. - Range is now set in a discrete "point" scale instead of meters, which allows full control over the measured range. The range is no longer limited to 60 mm intervals. - In the new range scale, the *downsampling factor* of A111 is replaced by *step length*. This also brings a much wider range of settings, starting at 2.5 mm. - Any number of sweeps may be measured per frame, only limited by buffer size. - The sensor buffer now holds 4095 complex points. - The floating point gain scale is replaced by a much wider integer scale, allowing for more precise control and removing the need for *maximize signal attenuation*. - *Power save mode* is replaced by *inter sweep/frame idle states*, meaning it's now possible to set the idle state between sweeps as well as between frames. - *MUR* is replaced by *PRF* with similar behavior but a wider range of settings. - The *repetition mode* is simplified to a *frame rate* setting. If set, it corresponds to using the *streaming* mode. If not set, it corresponds to using the *on demand* mode. - The *get next* function is split up into four functions for more flexible control over the measurement execution flow -- *measure*, *wait for interrupt*, *read*, and *execute processing*. This also removes the need for the *asynchronous measurement* setting. - The sensor can now be fully reconfigured on the fly via the *prepare* function, which loads a (new) configuration onto the sensor. - The sweep can now be split up into *subsweeps* with different configurations, for example allowing you to use different profiles across the range.