Setting up your XM126#

For detailed instructions, visit our developer page.

Finding the serial port#

On Windows, use device manager to find the port which will be listed as USB Serial Port. It’s most likely COMx where x is 3 or higher. On Linux, it’s likely /dev/ttyUSBx where x is 0 or some other integer.

PySerial has a simple tool for listing all ports available:

python -m

Windows COM port drivers#

If no COM port is recognized when plugging in a module, you might need to install a driver:


The most convenient method to prepare the XM126 board for flashing is to let the Exploration Tool Application automatically download the latest binary file.

Automatically download and flash using the GUI#

Start the Exploration Tool Application:

python -m

To automatically download the latest binary file:

  1. Open the Flash tool by selecting the Flash tab in the tab selection

  2. Click the Get latest binary tab

  3. Click the Get latest bin file button


Once the binary file has been downloaded it is possible to start flashing the board by clicking the Flash button in the Flash tool.

Automatically download and flash using the CLI#

Run the following command from the CLI:

python -m acconeer.exptool.flash flash -d XM126 -f

Manually download and flash#

Start by downloading the latest xm126_exploration_server package from our developer page.

Start the Exploration Tool Application:

python -m

and flash XM126 with the downloaded binary file:

  1. Open the Flash tool by selecting the Flash tab in the tab selection

  2. Click the Browse tab

  3. Click the Browse button and select the downloaded file

  4. Start flashing the board by clicking the Flash button


or by using the following command:

python -m acconeer.exptool.flash flash -d XM126 -i app_update.bin