File format reference#

This page explains the format of A111 data files saved from Exploration Tool using the GUI or recording module.

The data files store a Record, a simple key-value store containing the fields shown further down. Either HDF5 .h5 or NumPy .npz can be used to save it, although HDF5 is preferred due to its wider compatibility across systems and languages.

We recommend loading and saving records using the load and save functions in the acconeer.exptool.a111.recording module. These functions take care of packing and unpacking the Record fields on save and load respectively. See examples/a111/ for an example of loading data, and examples/a111/record_data/ for saving data.

For an example of how to load HDF5 records in Matlab, see examples/a111/load_record_h5.m.

Examples of loading#

Some minimal examples of loading the session info from a data file:

Using acconeer.exptool.a111.recording.load (recommended):

import acconeer.exptool as et
record = et.a111.recording.load("data.h5")  # or .npz
# {'data_length': 1238, 'range_length_m': 0.6, ...

Using h5py:

import json
import h5py
with h5py.File("data.h5") as f:
# {'data_length': 1238, 'range_length_m': 0.6, ...

Using numpy:

import json
import numpy as np
with np.load("data.npz") as f:
# {'data_length': 1238, 'range_length_m': 0.6, ...


The type here refers to the packed type - the type the value has in the stored file.


The following optional fields are used for storing other metadata for the recording.


Type: string

The server/RSS version used on the host (module, RPi, etc.).


Type: string

The Exploration Tool library version used on the PC.


Type: string

ISO formatted time at the start of recording. For example "2020-12-31T23:59:59".


Type: 1D array of floats

The time in seconds for every return of a sweep/frame from get_next. Typically timed using Python’s time.time, meaning it will be the time since the epoch.


Since this is timed on the client side, the timing may significantly differ from the timing when the radar actually sampled the data. Thus, we recommend only using this for calculating average sampling rate.


Type: string

Free text field. Not used by Exploration Tool itself.


The following optional fields are used by legacy components of Exploration Tool.


Type: string

A JSON dump of a legacy processing configuration.