


Figure 10 Mocked data for different profiles with three objects in the range.#

One of the most important configuration parameters is the profile, which mainly sets the duration and shape of emitted pulses. Other internal parameters are set up accordingly to maximize the efficiency of the system, which affects the measurement time of a point. Higher numbered profiles use longer pulses, which generally:

  • Increases SNR due to increased emitted energy.

  • Decreases measurement time for a given configuration.

  • Gives the possibility to sample more sparsely, decreasing measurement time and memory usage.

On the flip side, longer pulses also:

  • Decreases precision due to lower bandwidth.

  • Increases TX to RX leakage length, i.e., how far into the range the transmitted pulse is visible. The closest usable range due to this is referred to as the “close-in distance”.

  • Decreases distance resolution (ability to resolve objects close to each other).

Figure 10 illustrates the difference between two profiles. Profile 2 correctly resolves three objects where 3 cannot. However, profile 3 gives more energy for the same object.